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Glycolic Acid

Best SellerKP Body Scrub & Maskkp body scrub and mask ingredients
KP Body Scrub & Mask Sale price$18
20% OffThe Smoother Glycolic Acid Body LotionThe Smoother Glycolic Acid Body Lotion
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Glycolic Acid Resurfacing Gel 10%Glycolic Acid Resurfacing Gel 10%
Save 10%The Exfoliating Body BundleThe Exfoliating Body Bundle
The Exfoliating Body Bundle Sale price$30 Regular price$34
Save 15%The Glycolic Acid Body BundleThe Glycolic Acid Body Bundle
The Glycolic Acid Body Bundle Sale price$43 Regular price$51
Save 10%The Head-To-Toe Mask Bundle
The Head-To-Toe Mask Bundle Sale price$34 Regular price$38
Glycolic Acid Skincare Products

Glycolic acid can be a good fit for individuals with generally tolerant skin, specifically those aiming to reap the benefits of chemical exfoliation. For sensitive skin types, glycolic acid can sometimes lead to mild irritation or redness. Glycolic acid can help reduce the appearance of dark spots, UV damage, and other imperfections. It can contribute to a brighter, more radiant appearance and help boost the appearance of a smooth, even complexion. Shop Naturium's glycolic acid resurfacing gel, glycolic acid body wash and more.